Laggy gameplay
Hi, I've recently purchased Guildwars factions and at times there is unexplained lag - to the point where i get droped from game etc. I looked thru the forums, and the solutions don't seem to work for me. This problem only happened after i installed factions.
(That is, i didnt have the problem when i was playing prophesies a few months back.)
Errors that i've gotten : 07
Amd 2400+ XP (1.99 ghz)
1gb Ram
9600 ATI radeon running Omega 3.8.221
DSL connection, 512 dl, 256 up
Linksys router Befw11s4,
(Static ip, Ports for GW forwarded)
Windows update/AV does not update in background.
Stuff tried:
Updated net framework, still nothing
Removed Spyware, problem still remains.
Defrag HDD, still no change.
Any ideas, help would be appreciated.